Environment Feature Transport

Sustainable Deliveries with Dublin City Council

Dublin City Council has drafted new bylaws extending an environmental scheme known as the ‘Last Mile Delivery’ plan. The scheme has been previously tested last year with UPS delivery company in collaboration with Dublin City Council.

In decreasing the use of around 200 vans deliveries throughout the city, the scheme’s success hopes to ease traffic congestion and reduce carbon emissions by introducing parcel hubs. These hubs would be placed on the outskirts of the capital where couriers on bicycle or foot complete the parcel’s intended route.

Chair of Dublin City Council Transport committee Ciaran Cuffe says the expansion of the pilot is much needed and is ‘a real win for sustainable deliveries.’ Mr. Cuffe recognises the importance of cutting down on the carbon emissions, unclog busy city-centre traffic, and the efficiency of cycling as a method of transport and delivery.

What’s next to successfully expand and sustain this innovative answer to city pollution? Providing safer roads and cycle lanes that can facilitate the movement of cyclists through the city, and support eco-friendly schemes like ‘Last Mile Delivery’.

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