An Bord Pleanála has overturned the decision of Clare County Council not to grant permission to a major housing development in Sixmilebridge.
Drone Vision Ltd was refused planning for the 90-home development in June, subject to two conditions, following a number of submissions from concerned residents. Now, though, it will be allowed to proceed.
Drone Vision Ltd first sought permission for this development in July of 2018.
A number of residents of Sixmilebridge submitted objections to Clare County Council, citing concerns with, among other things, the provision of parking for such a significant number of new homes.
Many of the submissions came from people living in the nearby Owengarney Court, who expressed concern that the estate would be used as an “overflow car park”.
In June, Clare County Council refused permission for the new estate and the developers lodged an appeal to An Bord Pleanála.
Inspectors with the planning appeals board have now given it the green light, saying that the proposed development would not seriously injure the amenities or character of the area, adding that it would be in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development.