Chambers Ireland, the voice of business throughout Ireland, has called on employers to support vaccinations, both of their staff and in the developing world.
Speaking about vaccinations, Chambers Ireland Chief Executive Ian Talbot, said, “yesterday’s increase in Covid positivity numbers, and the positivity rate is unwelcome but not unexpected. This will not be the Christmas businesses had hoped for, and the re-introduction of restrictions has been a shattering blow to morale in many sectors of the economy.”
“But there are positive signs, both in the effectiveness of booster vaccinations and in the demand for them. Some of our members are volunteering in vaccination centres, and from what they tell us, large numbers of previously unvaccinated people, and incompletely vaccinated people, are overcoming their reticence and are finally getting the jab.”
“However, they are also saying that some employers are requiring their employees to forego wages or take annual leave to facilitate vaccination. This is reckless and damages the very businesses that are struggling most, every vaccine makes us stronger.”
“This is true on the international stage too. Chambers Ireland are members of the UNICEF Corporate Vaccine Alliance and urge all our members, and all other businesses in Ireland, to contribute to their efforts in vaccinating the world. And, at the individual level, each of us that can should give what we can to UNICEF’s Christmas COVID-19 Vaccine Appeal so that they can build upon the almost 700 million doses they have already delivered this year.”
Source: Chambers Ireland
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