For the first time ever tonight, Cork City Council’s monthly meetings will be paperless as all council documentation is to be presented in electronic format only.
Previously, councillors received their agenda, council reports, information and responses to individual councillor questions in a bundle known colloquially as ‘the council pack’. Instead, councillors and officials will be able to download documentation from SharePoint.
Lord Mayor, Cllr John Sheehan said: “We’re delighted to be going digital tonight. The decision to go paperless means that Cork City Council meetings are more environmentally friendly and it also represents better value for money”.
Corporate Affairs and International Relations Director of Services, Paul Moynihan said: “It is a big change in how we conduct our business and so we are asking those attending council meetings to bear with us as we may experience teething problems. The benefits are clear however and it means that Elected members will be able to access information for constituents at the touch of a button on all devices”.
ICT and Business Services will be providing support to council members and staff tonight as part of the transition.