Cork County Council’s Library and Arts Service are delighted to announce a series of Teen Literature Festival of writing and health advice events offered to secondary school and Youthreach students in Cork County. This exciting new venture to engage young people in Cork County with their local library service will run throughout November 2021.
As well as the One County, One Book programme with reading, art and song-writing competitions for Teens featuring the book All Our Hidden Gifts by Cork-born author Caroline O’Donoghue there will also be events and some lively discussion from young adult authors Louise O’Neill, Adiba Jaigirdar, Ciara Smyth and William Hussey!
Mayor of County Cork Cllr Gillian Coughlan said, “libraries play a fundamental role in society. Engaging with this free service can help create many opportunities for learning and education and help shape the future ideas and perspectives central to a creative and innovative society. As gateways to knowledge and culture, our libraries give young people access to all media. They empower teens, advocate for their freedom and safety, and encourage them to become confident and competent people.”
Events are funded by Creative Ireland and Cork County Library’s new LGBTQI+ literature programme, Words Will Change Worlds. Books have been sent to Transition Year students in secondary schools and Youthreach groups in Cork County, and some students will have the opportunity to meet the authors to discuss themes such as feminism, inclusion and diversity during virtual visits and in-person during November. There will also be creative writing workshops and online health talks on topics such as Nutrition and Self Care – The Effect of Junk Food on the Body and Social Media and your Mental Health – The Falseness of Social Media Influencers Offered through funded by Cork County Library’s Healthy Ireland programme.
It is hoped to make the Teen Literature Festival an annual event in Cork County Council Library and Arts Service, with even more schools invited to participate in events organized in 2022.
Source: Cork County Council