Dublin Bus services will cease its services from 10am until 7pm today due to the devastation expected from Hurricane Ophelia.
A spokesperson for Dublin Bus said:
“Morning peak services are operating as normal. There will be significant disruption to services from 10.00 to 19.00.
“Services will be withdrawn at 10.00. We hope to return services from 19.00 or when we can safely operate our services.
“However, customers should be aware that services may experience delays and disruptions to service and service levels will be dependent on weather conditions.”
Dublin Bus are currently heeding advice from Met Éireann and the National Emergency Coordination Committee.
A status red warning has been extended across Ireland with many transport services ceasing to operate.
An Garda Síochána urge the public to not make any non-essential journeys and to not cycle.
Status RED warning extended across the country. Members of the public asked to not make any non-essential journeys and not to cycle. #Ophelia
— An Garda Síochána (@GardaTraffic) October 15, 2017