Feature image courtesy of William Murphy Via Flickr
DCC Press Release 24th August 2021
Over the course of the summer Dublin City Council (DCC) put in place a number of measures on Capel Street and Parliament Street to facilitate outdoor dining and city reopening, creating 1,300 square metres of extra public space. These measures include making a section of the street traffic-free 24/7 and also installing numerous buildouts which provide space for restaurants and hospitality businesses to operate on a 7 day basis. All these facilities will still continue to stay in place over the winter months and will be reviewed next year at an appropriate time.
In addition to the above measures, DCC also made Capel Street and Parliament Street traffic-free from 18:30 – 23:30 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. This was initially for a period of six weeks and following the initial successful weekends, DCC announced in mid-July that this was extended to the end of August, when indoor dining would have resumed. This has now been extended until the end of September.
DCC would like to thank An Garda Siochana and the residents of the area for their cooperation and assistance during the weekend closures.
Following public consultation DCC, in a manner similar to the Grafton Street trials in the summer of 2020, will prepare a report for Elected Members.
DCC Press Release 24th August 2021
Dublin City Council would like to announce a 4 week extension to the Capel St/Parliament St weekend traffic-free streets initiative.
The initiative, which was due to finish this weekend, will now conclude on September 26th.
The decision to extend the traffic-free weekends was made by Dublin City Council management following representations by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Alison Gilliland, and her fellow Councillors.
“This trial has been hugely successful so far,” said the Lord Mayor. “It makes perfect sense for it to continue until the end of September. I am delighted that, with the support of cross-party colleagues, we have been able to secure this extension. I would encourage anyone who hasn’t already done so to come in and see for yourself what a fabulous outdoor initiative this is.”
A period of public consultation to ascertain people’s views on all perspectives of the traffic-free streets scheme will commence on Monday 30th August. This was originally planned as part of the initiative. Dublin City Council will also engage specifically with residents and businesses in the immediate area.
Source: DCC