Dublin City Council has launched its first ever Community Mobility Charging Hub, bringing to life the Council’s Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy.
As part of this pilot project, local people in the Finglas area will have access to:
Two EV chargers with Four charging spaces;
- 1 No. AC charger (nominally 22KW), with 2 charging spaces.
- 1 No. DC 75KW charger with CCS and CHAdeMO, 2 charging spaces.
- All chargers supplied and operated by EasyGo.
- A dedicated Car Share Club EV charging space (one of the AC spaces), to be rotated between all 3 licenced operators in Dublin City across the pilot duration.
- A dedicated ESB eBike commuter hub with 8 eBikes,in association with Bleeper Bikes.
Speaking at the launch the Lord Mayor of Dublin Caroline Conroy said, “this event marks a real milestone for Finglas and Dublin City Council, who today are launching the first Community Mobility Charging Hub in the City. This project is a great example of how the public sector can work together with the private sector and all stakeholders to drive the changes necessary to achieve our climate targets in the interests of the citizens who live, work, play and visit our capital City.’’
The Community Mobility Charging Hub has been delivered in partnership with the Department of Transport, Westside Engineering, Lawler Sustainability, EasyGo Charge Point Operators, ESB, Bleeper Bikes, and the Car Share Clubs, Enterprise, GoCar and Yuko.
The Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan TD said, “the new Community Mobility Charging Hub means that people can now charge their EVs rapidly right here in their community. It follows on from the launch of the National Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy by the Department of Transport earlier this year and the subsequent establishment and launch of ZEVI (Zero Emissions Vehicles Office for Ireland) in recent weeks. In addition, Dublin City Council launched its own Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy (in close association with Dun Laoghaire, Fingal and South Dublin County Councils) over the summer. This first Community Mobility Charging Hub is further evidence that our strategies and policies are becoming a reality on the ground and that we are moving every day towards reimagining and transforming how we get around our city and our country.”
The modularity of the project elements will serve to test concept and allows for the offering of a full mobility spectrum to the public, in line with Council and National objectives and will facilitate key stakeholders (CPOs, Car Share Clubs, Car OEMs, DoT, SEAI/ZEVI, the public, etc.) learning how we can work together to progress the changes required for climate action.
Dublin City Council Assistant Chief Executive and City Engineer, John Flanagan said, “with the Dublin Local Authority Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy now complete, each Local Authority in the Dublin Metropolitan Area is enabled to develop related but distinct implementation plans, based on local needs and related policies. The DCC implementation plan will include the identification of Council and community facilities that may allow scope for facilitating the siting of EV charge points. This pilot project at Finglas is the start of that journey. The Department of Transport’s recently published National Strategy, which sets out potential new sources of funding and capacity building measures to enable the transition, would allow DCC to facilitate the installation of infrastructure for charging in the City. I would like to personally thank the teams in the Department of Transport, all the contractors and service providers and the DCC team for their enthusiasm and dedication in delivering this project.’’
Cormac Healy, Energy Management Lead with the Council added, “with the launch of the first Community Mobility Charging Hub, it’s great to see all the key stakeholders working together in this space to deliver the mobility charging infrastructure for the community here in Finglas. This pilot project will help us learn how to adapt the modular hub concept to suit the needs of the public not only in Finglas, but across the City, offering a range of mobility options to the public in line with our sustainable urban mobility strategies. This project plays an important role in the Council’s strategy to deliver on Climate targets and to act with our colleagues in the other Dublin LAs as exemplars for other Local Authorities in this space.’’
Source: Dublin City Council