Dublin City Council would like to announce that 8 local social enterprises have been awarded funding and supports at the Dublin City Social Enterprise Awards.
These social enterprises are actively working to address important issues and achieve a social, societal or environmental impact, rather than maximising profits for owners or shareholders. The issues that the awardee social enterprises are seeking to address include: Biodiversity, Sustainability, Unemployment, Low Education Attainment, Diversity, Inclusion, Health, Mental Health, Homelessness, Accessibility and Ex-Offender Reintegration. As well as addressing these issues, the awardees provide practical help to people who are disadvantaged, distanced from the labour market or distanced from inclusion in their local communities.
Speaking at the awards, Lord Mayor of Dublin, Alison Gilliland stated, “we have seen the number and work of social enterprises grow across our city. They provide for and support community needs in an innovative and sustainable manner. Getting a social enterprise off the ground is not always financially easy and these awards recognise the need to support great ideas in a very tangible way.”
The 8 awardees received funding from a total pool of €50,000 along with various supports which will assist their social enterprises to develop and achieve a greater impact among the individuals and communities that they serve and assist in Dublin city. They also received a bespoke award trophy which was handmade by PACE, a local social enterprise and previous awardee.
Mary Mac Sweeney, Chair of the Dublin City Social Enterprise Committee and MC at the awards, congratulated the awardees and highlighted the important contribution that they make, saying “each of the social enterprise awardees are actively working with and supporting individuals and communities across Dublin City. They are providing tangible services, innovations and opportunities that are much needed”.
Dublin City Social Enterprise Awards 2021 – Awardees:
- Bee8 – Austin Campbell
- Clean Slate – Maeve Hartnett
- Connection Arts Centre – Miriam Spollen
- Dignity Partnerships – Rosemary Kunene/Sharon Mpofu
- Inter7s – Emmet Switzer
- Mendicity Workshop – Kate Fitzsimons
- parkHIIT – Brian Crooke
- Pocket Forests – Ashe Conrad-Jones/Catherine Cleary
A short video of each social enterprise highlighting their role and operations in addressing a social need will be available on LEO Dublin City’s Youtube Channel.
Source: Dublin City Council
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