Dublin City Council has announced that the Office of the Dublin Commissioner for Startups will be restructured when current commissioner, Niamh Bushnell leaves the office next month.
The move by the council means that after a two-year pilot project, there will be no replacement hired for the role.
As part of the restructuring plans, from April, the duties of the Office of the Dublin Commissioner for Startups will be divided between The Digital Hub and the Ryan Academy centre for innovation at DCU.
The restructuring will see The Digital Hub overseeing the continued operation of the Tech Concierge service, the monthly Brekkie event and the publication of The Dublin Globe newsletter. The DCU Ryan Academy will manage the Mentoring for Scale programme. All these services will continue to be run from the Office of the Dublin Commissioner for Startups base in Custom House Quay.
Dublin City Council and the Ryan Academy have been the two major backers of the initiative since its inception in 2014. There were also a number of other stakeholders who have help fund the project.
Commenting on these developments, Owen Keegan, Dublin City Council Chief Executive said:
“The Office of the Dublin Commissioner for Startups was a very successful pilot project at a critical time for the Dublin economy. As we reach the end of the pilot phase I am delighted that The Digital Hub as Ireland’s largest cluster of technology, internet and digital media companies has agreed to oversee some of the strategic activities earmarked for ongoing development.”
Keegan also paid tribute to outgoing commissioner Niamh Bushnell for “her tremendous leadership and commitment during her time as the Dublin Startup Commissioner. She has truly played a major part in putting Dublin on the map as a vibrant startup tech community that is the envy of many cities around the world.”
Fiach Mac Conghail, CEO of The Digital Hub said: “This is an opportunity for The Digital Hub to build on the successful legacy of Niamh Bushnell’s work as Startup Commissioner. The Digital Hub is perfectly placed to continue these duties and to fully engage with the digital and technology community in Dublin. The Digital Hub also works very closely with Dublin City Council, who are represented on our Board.”
Established in 2014, the office of Startup Commissioner was set up to promote Dublin as a location for fast-growing tech firms to base their operations.
Last year, Bushnell announced she would leave the role following more than two years in the position and believes her tenure in office has created a “solid base” for those in the Ryan Academy and the Digital Hub to build on.
“My appointment was originally for a two-year period therefore I am now stepping down as planned after two and a half years. Through our programs, our advocacy and public voice and through our international projects, our Office has succeeded on many levels. But this is a mission that continues with the mantle now passing to The Digital Hub and DCU Ryan Academy and I wish them well in their endeavours.”