Darragh O’Brien TD, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage visited Waterford City on Friday February 25th to officially open Butterfield, Mount Neil Estate at Carrickphierish.
Comprising of 57 units, Phase 1 is now completed and occupied with Phase 2 tenancy scheduled for March 2022. The development was funded through the Social Housing Current Expenditure Programme and was constructed by Frisby Homes Ltd. The Minister along with tenant families, representatives from Waterford City and County Council, Circle Voluntary Housing Association, Mayor of Waterford City and County and local councillors, officially cut the ribbon to the completed estate.
The Minister visited 45-47 Morgan Street, a former public house that has been derelict for almost 10 years. Seven apartments are being delivered through the Repair and Lease Scheme with completion scheduled for April 2022.
The Minister also visited St, Joseph’s House, a former religious convent on a landmark site on Manor Hill. Through the Repair and Lease Scheme, funded by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, 71 dwellings for the elderly will be delivered. Of the 71 dwellings, 50 units are located within the main building and 21 located in the various out-building clusters on the site, while the former chapel on the site will be proposed as community space for multiple uses by tenants.
Since 2016, Waterford Council has been actively seeking to reduce the level of vacant homes across Waterford City and County. The Council’s Vacant Homes Team works to encourage vacant property owners to allow their properties to be used for social housing through the Repair and Leasing Scheme and the Buy and Renew Scheme. The Repair and Lease Scheme has been particularly successful in delivering 1-bed and 2-bed units in urban areas where there is a proportionately larger demand for this type of accommodation.
Minister O’Brien said, “the housing projects and developments being spearheaded by Waterford City and County Council have eradicated a significant amount of dereliction in the city. Under the Housing for All scheme, by increasing residential developments in Ireland’s cities and providing for the efficient use of existing stock, cities such as Waterford are well placed to deliver strong sustainable communities for families to flourish in.”
“Coupled with this the recent €27m Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) allocated by my department last year is enabling Waterford realise its vision of being a city that offers a broad range of opportunities for people to live, work and play in its re-imagined places and spaces.”
The Minister also launched Waterford Council’s Affordable Housing Purchase Scheme which will be open to first time buyers who are currently unable to get a mortgage for a new house in Waterford City.
Minister O’Brien said, “this is important as we launch the first Affordable Housing Fund-supported affordable purchase housing scheme under the Government’s Housing for All plan which will see an average of 6,000 affordable homes available nationally each year.”
“The Affordable Purchase Scheme opens up opportunities for purchasers who have been unable to access mortgage funding to date due to a shortfall in available funding. Eligible buyers will be able to access the Local Authority Home Loan and the Help to Buy scheme. We see today as another significant milestone in meeting our commitment to support home ownership and increase affordability.”
The houses in Kilbarry, Williamstown and Carrickphierish will be available for purchase and interested persons should log onto www.waterfordcouncil.ie to express an interest in the scheme and find further details.
Source: Waterford City & County Council