The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has published Ireland’s UN Sustainable Development Goals – Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 2021, showing Ireland’s industry-related CO2 emissions were down in 2019.
This report is the ninth in a series of CSO publications which monitor how Ireland is progressing towards meeting its targets under the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Commenting on the publication, Kevin McCormack, Senior Statistician, said, “this new report, Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, has data on 12 indicators for Ireland, divided over three chapters: Infrastructure, Industry and Innovation.”
“Data are presented in categories such as gender, age group, vulnerable groups and geographical location, where possible. The SDGs and their associated indicators are, by design, wide-ranging in their coverage. As a result, the Irish data is provided by a number of sources including Government Departments, official organisations, and international organisations such as the UN. This publication was developed in collaboration with the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment.”
Commenting further on the publication, McCormack said, “manufacturing-related CO2 emissions fell 5% between 2018 and 2019, from 6,694 ktCO2 to 6,330 ktCO2. Over this time period, CO2 emissions for the total economy declined by 4.5% from 39,095 ktCO2 to 37,349 ktCO2 . Gross Value Added (GVA) in the manufacturing sector was €28,213 per person in Ireland in 2020 and accounted for 37.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This was an increase on 2019 figures when manufacturing GVA was €23,189 per person and 32% of GDP.“
Government Budget Allocations for Research and Development (GBARD) for 2019 was €802.15 million. The highest Gross Expenditure on R&D (GERD) since 2009 was €4,373m in 2019, nearly double the 2009 amount of €2,736m. One in eight (12.2%) workers were employed in the manufacturing sector in Q1 2021. Around 70% of people lived within five kms of the main national road network (primary or secondary road) in 2016, while 35% lived within two kms.”
Source: Central Statistics Office
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