Council Partners News

Kildare County Council Adopts New Development Plan to Guide Future Development of Kildare

The Kildare County Development Plan 2023-2029 was adopted by Kildare County Council and will come into effect on 28th January 2023.

The County Development Plan is the key strategy document which supports the proper planning and sustainable development of land-use across County Kildare over the plan period and beyond.

The Strategic Vision of the Plan is “to build on the strengths of the county in order to improve the quality of life of all residents, through the creation of high-quality job opportunities, by the provision of high-quality residential development supported by high quality community and social infrastructure, through the provision of a high-quality sustainable transport network, by healthy placemaking and transformational regeneration. The vision for County Kildare also supports the transition to a low carbon climate resilient environment, by embracing inclusiveness, enhancing built environment and enshrining the importance of conserving, restoring and protecting Kildare’s biodiversity for future generations.”

The County Development Plan 2023 – 2029 sets out the strategy to coordinate and prioritise areas of population growth and in doing so seeks to address the physical, economic, social and environmental needs of the community in terms of delivering new development while enhancing and safeguarding valued assets and amenities.

A key focus of this County Development Plan is to develop a county that is resilient to climate change, plans for and adapts to the critical climate challenges and facilitates and enables a low carbon future. The preparation and adoption of the Kildare County Development Plan 2023 – 2029 took place during a period of significant economic flux including a global pandemic and Brexit. The Plans’ focus is on a smart recovery based on entrepreneurship and investment. It is a core aim of the Plan to provide for the future well-being of the residents of the county by creating a strong and resilient economic base, providing expanded opportunities for employment and facilitating a good quality of life within vibrant and attractive places to live, work, visit and invest.

The Plan also provides for the delivery of an additional 9,144 housing units to accommodate an additional 25,146 people by the end of the Plan period, through the delivery of sustainable, compact settlements supported by a commensurate level of physical and social infrastructure to mitigate against climate change.

Kildare County Council will now embark on the exciting implementation phase associated with the plan.

Source: Kildare County Council

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