Every corner of Ireland will be put to the test for basic access facilities and obstacles on Friday, September 24th when the Make Way Day campaign returns, with a testing twist!
The campaign, organised by the Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI), will test the local access facilities and obstacles via an online survey that participants can use to test and rate their local area.
Kildare County Council, in conjunction with Local Access Groups from across Kildare will take part in the online survey on Make Way Day and are encouraging others to get involved and become more aware of the access challenges for people with disabilities.
Michael Hurley, Access Officer, Kildare County Council said, “Make Way Day focuses on individual responsibility, on looking at what we can all do to help our fellow citizens get from A to B, something we can take for granted. We in Kildare County Council are delighted to work with DFI and support Make Way Day across County Kildare.”
At the centre of the Make Way Day campaign are people with disabilities. However, obstacles on paths can have an impact on all members of society. Consider an elderly person using a walking aid or a young child learning to ride a bicycle and how much more difficult their journey becomes if blocked by obstructions such as parked cars, wheelie bins or overgrown vegetation. This online survey empowers people to survey their area for obstacles and rate its accessibility. It will provide an opportunity to share their experiences and challenges.
The survey will be available to download at www.makewayday.com on Friday the 24th of September, Make Way Day.
The aim is to compile all of the surveys from across the country to provide one comprehensive map of access across Ireland and use this to help address these challenges and make the necessary access improvements.
Source: Kildare County Council
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