The Age-Friendly Programme of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and the County Age-Friendly Alliance are delighted to launch the 2023 dlr Age-Friendly Magazine. This free 84 page, full-colour magazine is packed with information on Age-Friendly activities, services and supports available in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown (dlr) as well as articles, creative writing, recipes, puzzles and much more!
As well as information in relation to the Age-Friendly work being carried out in the County Council by the Community, Libraries, Arts, Heritage, Housing, DLR Sports Partnership, Active Cities, Parks and Leisure sections, you will also find information from many organisations, associations, support groups and agencies representing the diversity of activities and communities living in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
Speaking at the launch of the magazine, Councillor Mary Hanafin, Cathaoirleach, said, “the dlr Age-Friendly Magazine 2023 aims to guide, inform and entertain its readers with a wealth of information on age-friendly activities, services and supports in the county, articles on how to access these services, guidance on issues of interest and items to engage and inspire creativity.”
“We are extremely grateful to all the organisations and groups around the county and nationally who have contributed information to the magazine, many of whom are members of the dlr Age-Friendly Alliance as well as to members of the public who submitted poetry and short stories for inclusion in the magazine. Funding is provided by Creative Ireland, the Community & Cultural Development Department of the County Council and Healthy Ireland.”
Frank Curran, Chief Executive, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, said, “the recently adopted dlr Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-2026, developed and supported by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council provides a structured programme based on public consultation for the County’s Age-Friendly work over the coming years, with actions and collaboration agreed by the many Age-Friendly organisations and agencies working in dlr.”
“The dlr Age-Friendly Magazine 2023 produced by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is a key action of the County Age-Friendly Strategy 2022-2026 where information on the many age-friendly activities, services and supports available in the county is gathered together in one publication and available free of charge to the public. We hope that you will enjoy reading this Age-Friendly Magazine and that you will find it informative and engaging and a useful resource for all.”
This is the third year of the magazine, and this free publication is available to view and download here.
The magazine will also be available in hard copy from all 8 dlr Library branches, dlr County Council offices, community centres, churches, primary care centres, nursing homes, day care centres and shopping centres around the county and sincere thanks to the Community Gardaí, dlr Volunteer Centre and many Age-Friendly groups and organisations for dispersing the dlr Age-Friendly Magazine 2023 around the county.
The 2023 magazine is produced by the dlr Age-Friendly Programme, the Community Section of dlr County Council and dlr Libraries and is funded by Creative Ireland, dlr County Council Community & Cultural Development Department and Healthy Ireland.