Love is all around and in the air and Waterford City and County Council’s Art Office is bringing a touch of romance to the streets of Waterford.
A love-filled Valentine’s programme of events has been compiled by Arts Officer, Conor Nolan and it’s guaranteed to melt the hearts of the young and young at heart.
Highlights include the St. Valentines Post Box of Love located at Hanover Street. With pre-printed postcards available from Central Library, Waterford Gallery of Art and Garter Lane you can send your love letter to that someone special to let them know you’re thinking of them. With the most romantic letters read out online and the chance to win special prizes, it’s time to summon your inner muse and write from the heart!
Throughout the week Barbershop workshops will take place in nursing homes throughout the city leading to special in-home concerts.
The weekend ahead of St. Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 12th and Sunday, February 13th, will be filled with amorous tunes as the Campervan of Sound and special guests serenade the crowds in the city centre, expect some romantic interludes in the Waterford Cultural Quarter and there will be a special St. Valentines blessing held for Waterford lovers at White Friars Church in Dublin, where the relics of St. Valentine are interred.
Conor Nolan, Arts Officer, Waterford City and County Council explained the reasoning behind the St. Valentine’s programme of events, saying, “we’ve all been through a tough couple of years and for many it was a time that was spent socially distanced and apart from those special people in our lives.”
“Now that things have opened up it’s time to celebrate being able to be together, be it with a parent, partner, spouse or good friend. For those who can’t be together, posting a letter at the Post Box of Love could very well reach them, as selected love requests will be read out online. The events planned over the next few days are there to very simply celebrate love and bring a smile to people’s faces.”
The St. Valentine’s Day programme in Waterford is aided by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media through its LLPPS3 programme.
For more about St. Valentine, officially Saint Valentine of Rome, go to Waterford Treasures St. Valentine’s Day page.
Source: Waterford City and County Council
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