On 15 th January 2020 the Southern Regional Assembly hosted the final site and study visit for project partners of the Interreg Europe MATCH-UP project in Ireland’s Oldest City – Waterford City founded by the Vikings in 914.
In line with the MATCH-UP project objective we used the most sustainable form of transport for our tour of our oldest city – our feet. While partner got the opportunity to become Vikings there was also the opportunity to experience our Local Link Rural Transport Programme Good Practice – Waterford Local Link. We travelled to the wonderful town of Lismore with Waterford Local Link.
The partners got the opportunity to listen to a presentation by James O‘Donoghue, Road Transport Co-Ordinator, Waterford Local Link – GP – Local Link Rural Transport Programme. It was an opportunity for all partners to experience a Local Link route and explore the full details and breath of the programme in Waterford which aims to provide sustainable transport and connectivity in rural Ireland and also to meet the needs of the elderly and a provide a necessary link to assist with social inclusion.
The Southern Regional Assembly were delighted to host this event and share our wonderful City with our Interreg Europe MATCH-UP project partners and have appreciated the opportunity to share knowledge, experiences and good practices throughout the project.
MATCH-UP is part-funded by the Interreg Europe Programme through the European Regional Development Fund and led by the University of Bologna in Italy.
For more about the MATCH-UP project go to – www.interregeurope.eu/match-up/