Would you like to help promote and protect this area of outstanding beauty? Dublin City Council is seeking volunteers to help with management of North Bull Island.
A unique attraction within Dublin City centre, North Bull Island (NBI) achieved status as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1981 due to its rare and threatened habitats and species, along with its use by important numbers of overwintering birds. NBI is a special amenity area and is enjoyed by Dubliners and visitors alike all year round.
Dublin City Council are calling upon the public to offer their help to create a balanced biosphere for one of Dublin’s most beautiful attractions, North Bull Island.
The objective of the Volunteer Programme is to have a team of volunteers who are interested in promoting the ecological, cultural, and educational values of North Bull Island to fellow visitors, and to assist in the management of responsible outdoor recreation.
The Volunteer Programme aims to:
- Assist visitors in appreciating the special ecological and cultural qualities of North Bull Island through education, communication and conservation activities
- Increase community involvement in, and awareness of, the management of the Island
- Assist in practical conservation tasks
- Promote the principles of ‘Leave No Trace’
- Develop the volunteers own personal understanding, knowledge and sense of belonging to North Bull Island
Volunteers will report to the manager of North Bull Island, and those interested must be self-motivated, outgoing people with a love of nature and outdoor recreation.
Further details of the North Bull Island Volunteer Programme, including details of the type of activities that may be involved, are available from here.
Applications must be received on or before Friday, February 24th 2017.
Candidates must be over 18 years, to apply please email: [email protected] Or write to: North Bull Island Volunteer Programme, Parks & Landscape Services, Dublin City Council, Block 4, Floor 0, Wood Quay, Civic Offices, Dublin 8. Applicants are asked to please include a CV when applying.