The North Tipperary Parenting Support Guide has been lauched ahead of the new school year. Parents are always working very hard and over the last 18 months parents have had to take on the roles of many different people in their children’s lives.
We know that being a parent is the most important job of all but it is certainly complex and at times, challenging and tiring. The services that work to support parents across North Tipperary recognise this and have produced the North Tipperary Parenting Support Guide as a resource to parents.
Parents are always being encouraged to take care of themselves and an important part of self-care is knowing when to reach out and ask for help. Sometimes we are aware that we need assistance but cannot bring ourselves to ask for it. It can feel risky saying we need some help but it is a risk worth taking. No parent would hesitate if their child needs assistance. Sometimes we actually don’t know who to ask or where to go for assistance.
Family and friends are invaluable but occasionally we need a little more. Knowing the support services that are available in your community can be helpful and getting the right information and support at the right time can really make a difference to the wellbeing of your child, your family and you. The recently produced North Tipperary Parenting Support Guide is a helpful place to start.
Tusla, the Child and Family Agency have taken the lead in producing this guide but it has been a real partnership of all the North Tipperary services. Within the guide, you will find reliable information about the range of parenting supports available in North Tipperary, an outline of the supports each service provides and how to make contact with all the services. There is also some useful information regarding the key parenting messages and National Support Lines.
The services that worked on the guide were:
- Barnardos Family Support Service Centre, Thurles.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.
- Community Substance Misuse Team.
- Child and Family Primary Care Psychology Department.
- Mid West Disability Services Early Intervention and School Age Team.
- North Tipperary Development Company.
- Ascend Domestic Abuse Services for Women.
- Public Health Nursing Department.
- Silver Arch Family Resource Centre.
- Templemore Community Service Centre.
- Tipperary Children and Young People’s Services Committee.
- Tipperary Childcare Committee.
- Youth Work Ireland Tipperary – MORE Family Support Project.
- Tusla Child and Family Agency and Tusla Parenting Support Champions.
Source: Tipperary Live
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