The sky’s the limit for Irish brands in Shannon Airport Duty Free’s new Beauty, Living and Wellness area. The store, which is the first and oldest Duty-Free shop in the world, has unveiled a brand-new area titled Curated, to champion Irish beauty and wellness brands from across the country. The space which recently launched at […]
Irish businesses will soon be able to access a quantum computer in Tokyo thanks to a new partnership between Equinix and Oxford Quantum Circuits announced. Although still in their early stages, quantum computers can perform many tasks significantly faster than traditional computers – and even supercomputers. This means that we can speed up areas such […]
Minister of State with responsibility for Company Regulation at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Dara Calleary, held a webinar on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which entered into force on 5 January 2023. EU member states now have 18 months in which to transpose the directive into law. The purpose of the […]
Google has developed a free online digital skills course for Irish businesses to get online and expand their services both locally and internationally. The You’re the Business digital upskilling programme has been created in association with Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices. It comes in response to research that suggests Irish SMEs are lagging behind