The vital work of Donegal County Council’s employees and the role they are playing in our county’s fight to tackle climate change is being highlighted for this year’s Your Council Day, which takes place on Friday 1st July.
Across social media, #YourCouncilDay will showcase the work of our committed and passionate local authority employees who are working to make a difference to the lives of the people in their community.
Local authorities will also provide a ‘behind the scenes’ look at a typical day in the council to show the public the range of work and the variety of services their council provides to them.
Chief Executive of Donegal County Council, John G. McLaughlin, said, “climate change is the defining political, economic, technical and social challenge of our time and Donegal County Council is committed to leading on climate action. It will require public bodies like ourselves, private enterprise and all citizens to take both the small steps and the big steps that are within our control collectively to protect our planet for future generations.”
“Local authorities have a clear understanding of the priority needs of our communities from a climate action standpoint and can translate goals set out by Government into actions. From active travel initiatives and housing retrofits to reducing our own carbon emissions and working with partners and local communities to tackle the impact of climate change, Donegal County Council has risen to the challenge of leading our county’s climate action response. Ireland has significantly increased our climate ambition in the past few years. Local authorities play a critical role in translating national climate ambition into local climate action. With our shared goals and objectives across 31 local authorities, we can have a significant impact”
The national Climate Action Plan states that local authorities occupy a pivotal role within communities to demonstrate leadership on climate action at a local and community level.
Donegal County Council will be developing a climate action plan for the county, building on our existing Climate Adaptation Strategy and our commitments in the Local Authority Climate Action Charter. This will clearly outline the steps the Council is taking and will take to meet our climate targets and lead climate action in our areas and communities.
Social media users throughout the community are asked to post their experiences of council initiatives using the hashtag #YourCouncilDay / #DoLásaChomhairle.
Source: Donegal County Council