The Dublin Climathon 2021 is focused on climate innovation with a particular focus on food systems. The event will run in person from 10am – 4pm on Saturday the 30th of October. Some amazing speakers are scheduled for the morning and the hacking of food systems takes place in the afternoon. Teams of students are encouraged to take part and present their projects with winners announced after the project presentations.
The impacts of climate change are all around us, coming even harder and faster than the models predicted. When global climate politics is stifling, it’s your turn to move. Climathon communities collaborate to raise climate awareness, disrupt the status-quo, and rethink the cities we live in and the future we want as citizens.
Climathon is a city-based programme, created by EIT Climate-KIC, that offers a clear pathway to action and interaction – an opportunity for cities and citizens to co-create local ideas to shared climate challenges. At the core of the programme is an ideathon organised by passionate local organisers; the people who know their cities and climate challenges the best.
There are three different ways you can take part in the programme. You can take your ideas to the next level by finding your local Climathon and becoming a participant. If you want to arrange a Climathon in your community, you can take the lead and bring the programme to your city by becoming a local organiser. Last, but definitely not least, you can partner with us or sponsor us and help us to grow our movement globally.
The Dublin Climathon 2021 will include speakers from Industry, Academia and Government bodies. Key speakers will give talks from 10am – 12:30pm, before the presentations of various projects takes place in the afternoon. The event is being held in collaboration by Trinity College Dublin and Dublin City Council. The registration for the event opened on the 8th of October and you can register for free here.
Source: Climation
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