Council Partners News

Positive Ageing Week in Waterford

Would you like to take a trip down memory lane at the movies, dance an afternoon away or try your hand at Short Mat Bowling or Pickleball? There are just some of the activities included in an action packed programme of events compiled by Waterford Older People’s Council, Waterford Sports Partnership and Waterford Libraries which are taking place in the city and county to mark Positive Ageing Week which takes place on the week commencing Monday October 2.

Positive Ageing Week kicks off with a classic movie morning at Carrickphierish Library at 10.30am, while at The Hub at Central Library an electronic textiles fabric flower workshop  takes place between 10am and 1pm.

Sports enthusiasts can choose from a Pickleball Taster Session between 2 and 4pm at Cill Barra Sports Centre on October 2, or Short Mat Bowling at the same venue also on Tuesday from 10.30am to 12 noon. Out on your feet an epic walk through 1100 years of history from the Vikings to the Victorians is highly recommended. Meeting place is Bishop’s Palace. A fee of €4 applies and booking should be made by calling Waterford Council.

It’s back to Carrickphierish Library on Wednesday for a Smart Phone class for beginners from 10am to 12 noon and the following morning at 10.30 there’s a second chance to check out what’s on the big screen for what promises to be another great Movie Morning.

Each year the Tea Dance at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre is eagerly anticipated and again this year Waterford’s senior citizens are invited alone to enjoy afternoon tea with music and – of course plenty of dancing between 2pm and 5pm.

Source: Waterford City & County Council

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