Sport Ireland announced an investment package of over €26m to National Governing Bodies for Sport (NGBs) and to the network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) for 2023.
This year’s figures see a €1m (6%) increase in allocation to the National Governing Bodies on 2022 funding. The total core funding to the NGBs in 2023 is €16m.
This increased investment provides Sport Ireland with an opportunity to support the majority of governing bodies with a cost-of-living increase for 2023 along with continued targeted investment in a number of specific areas.
The rising costs of sports administration is also acknowledged by Sport Ireland, with NGBs having been provided with additional funding to absorb this expenditure.
Investment into the Local Sports Partnerships has maintained the same level of support for 2023, with a total investment of €10,365,000 being allocated across the 29 Local Sport Partnerships.
Human resourcing in the Local Sports Partnerships has been prioritised, with additional funding for the resourcing of Local Sports Partnership Development Officers and Sport Inclusion Disability Officers to assist with the ongoing vital work being undertaken across the country.
Age & Opportunity will receive €620,000 for their “Go for Life” programme, while Cara Sport Inclusion Ireland will receive €140,000 for Disability Awareness and Disability Inclusion programmes.
The Federation of Irish Sport and Student Sport Ireland will receive €125,000 and €70,000 respectively.
Minister of State for Sport and Physical Education, Thomas Byrne TD, said, “this significant funding package will support the implementation of important programmes and activities through the National Governing Bodies of Sport and the Local Sports Partnerships in 2023 and is a critical support for the sector and for the ongoing implementation of the National Sports Policy 2018 – 2027. Cost of living pressures are having an impact across the sector and the increased funding announced today, allied to the significant cost of energy supports provided by Government, will ensure that sports clubs across the country are supported in addressing the challenge of rising costs.”
Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, Una May, commented, “the Core Grant Funding will enable Sport Ireland to further support our National Governing Bodies of Sport and Local Sports Partnerships to provide equal opportunities in sport for everyone. The National Sports Policy 2018-2027 has provided the framework for Sport in Ireland to continue to grow and this investment through the NGBs and LSPs will play an important part in increasing activity levels of people in Sport in Ireland and removing the barriers and preventative aspects for getting involved in sport.”
As with previous funding announced, the investment is closely aligned with the National Sports Policy 2018-2027 and the National Physical Activity Plan. A particular emphasis is placed on implementing programmes to promote physical activity, making sport and physical activity accessible to people with a disability and the development of programmes to address transitions and increase volunteer supports.
Source: Sport Ireland