Dublin City Council is honoured to announce that Dublin City has been awarded the ‘Global Green City Award 2023’ by the Global Forum on Human Settlements during their 18th Annual Session of the Forum in Dubai, a COP28 associated event.
The ‘Global Green City Award’ has in the past been awarded to Vienna, Vancouver, Oakland, Curtiba, Nantes, Mannheim and Yokohoma and now brings Dublin City into a group of cities that must continue to lead on the global stage and be active in the commitment to sustainable urban development that is green, fair, smart, and transformative.
Dublin City Council’s submission to the award was reviewed by a technical jury. The application was evaluated based on 85 indicators in key areas that determined Dublin City’s performance in areas such as Sustainable urban Development, Climate Action, Transport, and Nature based solutions.
Receiving the award on behalf of Dublin City Council, COP28 delegate Cllr Alison Gilliland said, “Dublin is very proud to win the award. I very much acknowledge the climate change journey we are on, all of us across Dublin. I therefore would like to dedicate the award to the staff of Dublin City Council and to the citizens of Dublin to acknowledge the work they do every day to realise our vision of a sustainable, smart and climate neutral city. Working together we can make a real difference and ensure the future resilience of our city.”
Chief Executive, Richard Shakespeare stated, “this is a great recognition of not only the work of Dublin City Council staff, but the people who live in Dublin and make this city what it is – vibrant, innovative, and resilient. This award marks a moment and signals that we need to continue the momentum and be global leaders.”
Source: Dublin City Council