A series of mobility radar counters are to be installed at locations across Limerick, both where Active Travel schemes are proposed to be constructed and where they are completed, to compare mobility levels before and after the delivery of projects.
The initiative is being implemented to ensure the Active Travel team at Limerick City and County Council continues to be informed about the latest mobility trends in areas where projects continue to progress.
The devices being used identify cars, bicycles and pedestrians based on a vehicle/person’s size and shape using radar technology.
No cameras are used and no personal data is recorded.
Senior Engineer with the Active Travel team at Limerick City and County Council, Sean McGlynn, commented, “we are continuing to develop our knowledge and access to information in respect of the success of Active Travel schemes across Limerick as the rollout of high-quality pedestrian and cycle infrastructure continues. These devices will assist us to gauge that, while also helping us to identify mobility habits in areas where future projects are proposed at pre-planning and pre-construction stages. This will ensure that we have as much information to hand as possible when progressing works through concept development and detailed design, which will in part be informed by mobility levels in certain areas.”
The first set of mobility counter radars have already been recently installed along the route of the South Circular Road Active Travel Scheme.
The radar counters across Limerick are to be installed in the coming months.
Source: Limerick City & County Council