The Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, has announced that Public Service Transformation Week 2023 will take place from 23 – 27 October.
PSTW provides an opportunity to build on the success of previous national initiatives in supporting innovation and transformation across our Public Service.
Formerly Public Service Innovation Week, the initiative is now known as PSTW to reflect the ambition for broader transformation across the public service after the launch of the Better Public Services strategy.
This year, PSTW will explore how Public Service innovators can deliver on the vision of the new Better Public Services strategy and will outline Ireland’s ambition to become a leader in digital public services through the forthcoming ‘Life Events’ project. It will see Public Service Bodies host events such as workshops, webinars and in-person sessions sharing ideas and showcasing projects at a national level which provide better services for the Irish public.
The PSTW Conference which opens the week is an opportunity to celebrate and showcase innovation in the Public Service, share learnings and best practice, and identify opportunities to collaborate and work together to solve pressing challenges and deliver improved services. This year, the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform has collaborated with Amazon Web Services (AWS) in hosting the conference.
Speaking about the week, Minister Donohoe said, “I am pleased to see a renewed emphasis on Public Service transformation in this year’s event and a clear focus on delivering enhanced services to the Irish people. The Better Public Services transformation strategy provides a framework for our Public Servants to build on important transformation work to date and PSTW will be a vital forum for knowledge-sharing and collaboration. My Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform will continue to lead the way on supporting transformation and innovation aimed at delivering a truly world-class Public Service.”
A programme of events planned as part of the week will be announced in October.