Dublin-based IoT software company danalto has recently won a prestigious contract with the European Space Agency (ESA). This partnership is in line with Ireland’s National Space Strategy for Enterprise which aims to grow the number of “space active” companies in Ireland, which currently sits at 85.
The contract won by danalto called for the demonstration of best in class, low-infrastructure, indoor location technologies that complement the Global Navigation Satellite System. danalto was the first company to bring a location positioning solution to market using a new radio frequency technology. Over the course of the 18-month contract, danalto will research location technologies and build upon existing solutions to improve remote indoor visibility. Once validated, this work will be able to support a wide range of industries. The trajectory of this project aligns with danalto’s progression plan for their next generation positioning solution which will be brought to market for commercial use in 2022.
Speaking about the contract awarded to danalto, Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English said, “it was a pleasure to meet the team at danalto and to discuss the potential, for the company and its clients, of this important European Space Agency contract. danalto is just one of a growing number of Irish businesses that is breaking new ground through its relationship with the European Space Agency. The National Space Strategy for Enterprise, alongside this Government’s increased funding to the European Space Agency, will ensure that this relationship continues to benefit companies like danalto, to develop technologically sophisticated space-enabled businesses.”
danalto Co-founder and CEO, David McDonald added, “this is a great opportunity for danalto to work with the leaders in the global navigation systems and to bring danalto’s, and our commercial partners, technologies to bear on the everyday lives of people. ESA have set out a clear set of questions and demonstration challenges that danalto is well placed to address and which fully aligns with our business and technology strategies. Our Cardinal and FiLo services platform will be the central component of the demonstrator for achieving seamless multi-space positioning.”
Source: Business World
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